2025 Market Beef Weigh-in 

2025 Market Beef Weigh-in

Market Beef Registration

Goat Tag-in Registration

Lamb Tag-in Registration

Hog Tag-in Registration


Fair Updates

February 2024: 2024 Fair Updates & Details on Market Hogs

November 2023: 2024 Fair Updates



  •  Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences has more information on Companion Animals,Dairy,Dog,Horse,Livestock,Poultry,Rabbit,Ohio State Fair Skillathon Information, & Ohio 4-H PetPALS

Gallia County Junior Fair Judging Deadlines 

Attention Junior Market Exhibitors

The Ohio State Fair Online Entry Process https://www.ohiostatefair.com/p/get-involved/livestock/livestock-competi...

  • ALL Ohio State Fair Livestock Entries Online  The deadline to enter livestock exhibitions is 1 p.m. on June 21, 2025, except the Horse Show, which closes at 1 p.m. on July 1, 2025. 

  • ALL Ohio State Fair Horse Show Entries   The deadline to enter livestock exhibitions is 1 p.m. on June 21, 2025, except for the Horse Show, which closes at 1 p.m. on July 1, 2025. 

  • Horse Show

    Fair Check-In Day Sunday, July 27, 2025

Pre-Fair Animal Show Results

  • Pre-Fair Animal Show Judging Results 

Breeding Show Results

  • Llama

  • Goat

  • Swine

  • Sheep

Quick Link to your project- Click on your project name and be directed to your project. 

Beef   Dairy     Dog     Goat     Horse    Llama    Poultry, Duck & Turkey     Rabbit     Sheep     Swine

Beef Projects

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Livestock Program

Upload Your Market Beef Pictures in 4H Online 4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025

You upload your Market Beef pictures on your profile on 4H Online, the same profile you signed up for your projects!! 

  • We have made this step-by-step info sheet for you to follow. Steps to Upload Your Animal Pictures in 4H Online.

  • Please note the online system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all 4 pictures. Example of Uploaded Pictures in 4H Online

Gallia County Market Beef Tag In & Weigh In

 2025 Gallia County Market Beef Exhibitors can exhibit both a market steer and a market heifer but will only be permitted to sell one beef animal at the fair. Please note, that heifers can not be shown at the county fair in both the breeding and market class. To show a Market Beef Heifer, she must be tagged and weight-in on December 12, 2024, at the Gallia County Jr Fairgrounds from 4 pm-7 pm.
The Ohio State Fair Beef Market animals must submit a DNA sample. These DNA samples must be in the possession of the Ohio State Fair by January 15, 2025. Prior to submission, the nomination envelope for each sample kit remitted must be signed by either the 4-H professional or FFA advisor, depending in which organization the youth is taking the market animal(s). Please Email Erin Dailey at dailey.108@osu.edu for the kits.

Gallia County Jr Fair Market Beef Registration Form 

 For 2024 Market Beef Buyers Listed by Exhibitor for Thank you Posters See Judging Results Page


Dairy Projects

  • Welcome to the Ohio 4-H Dairy Cattle program area. You will find information on events, resources and acknowledgements for dairy cattle.

Dog Projects


Welcome to the Ohio 4-H Dog Program!

Calendar of Events

Important deadlines and dog events around Ohio


Dog resources

Ohio State Fair

Resources specific to the Ohio State Fair Dog program


Ohio State Fair Dog Show Results

Dog Achievement Program

Everything you need to participate in the Dog Achievement Program (DAP). 


Please thank our sponsors

Contact Information


Goat Projects

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Goat Program

Upload Your Market Goat Pictures in 4H Online4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025

You upload your Market Goat pictures on your profile on 4H Online, the same profile you signed up your projects!! 

  • We have made this step by step info sheet for you to follow. Steps to Upload Your Animal Pictures in 4H Online.

  • Please note the online system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all 4 pictures. Example of Uploaded Pictures in 4H Online

 For 2024 Market Goat Buyers Listed by Exhibitor for Thank You Posters See Judging Results page

2025 Goat Exhibitors 

 May ??, 2025 at the Gallia County Fairgrounds from 4pm-7pm.

  • Market Goat Tag IN 

  • Market Goat Registration Form  and Scrapie and Scrapie Tag Information

  • Gallia County Junior Fair Breeding Show. Check-In Monday, July 28, 2025 - Check-In Time is ONE Hour Before Show Begins...


Horse Projects

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Horse Program

Upload Your Horse Pictures in 4H Online4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025

You upload your Horse pictures on your profile on 4H Online, the same profile you signed up your projects!! 

  • We have made this step by step info sheet for you to follow. Steps to Upload Your Animal Pictures in 4H Online.

  • Please note the online system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all 4 pictures. Example of Uploaded Pictures in 4H Online

Gallia County Youth Horse Committee FACEBOOK Page 

2025 GCJF Horse Show Entry uses Fair Entry. 2024 Gallia County Junior Fair Log In Above.  Forms must be completed by July 1. If you need assistance, please let your advisor know.

All projects will be entered through this system for exhibition at the Gallia County Junior Fair. With time and patience, we hope you find this new system beneficial to all parties. Please follow all on-screen directions and feel free to contact the Extension Office with any questions at 740-446-7007. Once all entries are complete you will receive a confirmation email for your records.


View state events planned for 2024 in the Ohio 4-H Horse Program for 4-H members, advisors, coaches and judges. 






Llama Projects

  • Gallia County Junior Fair Breeding Show. Monday, July 28, 2025 - Check-In Time is ONE Hour Before Show Begins...

Sheep Projects

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Sheep Program

Upload Your Market Lamb Pictures in 4H Online4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025

You upload your Market Lamb pictures on your profile on 4H Online, the same profile you signed up your projects!! 

  • We have made this step by step info sheet for you to follow. Steps to Upload Your Animal Pictures in 4H Online.

  • Please note the online system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all 4 pictures. Example of Uploaded Pictures in 4H Online

 For 2024 Market Lamb Buyers Listed by Exhibitor for Thank You Posters See Judging Results Page

2025 Sheep Exhibitors 

May ??, 2025 at the Gallia County Fairgrounds from 4pm-7pm.

  • Market Lamb Tag In

  • Market Lamb Registration Form and Scrapie and Scrapie Tag Information

  • Gallia County Junior Fair Breeding Show. Monday, July 28, 2025 - Check-In Time is ONE Hour Before Show Begins...

Poultry, Duck & Turkey Projects

NOT REQUIRED FOR 2025 - 2025 Market Chick Order Form

Rabbit Projects

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Companion Animals Program!    Companion Animals

Swine Projects

Upload Your Market Hog Pictures in 4H Online4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025

You upload your market hog pictures on your profile on 4H Online, the same profile you signed up your projects!! 

  • We have made this step by step info sheet for you to follow. Steps to Upload Your Animal Pictures in 4H Online.

  • Please note the online system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all 4 pictures. Example of Uploaded Pictures in 4H Online

 For 2024 Market Hog Buyers Listed by Exhibitor for Thank You Posters See Judging Results Page

Welcome to the Ohio 4H Swine Program

Please see the below message concerning information on Ractopamine-Free Swine Projects.

Attached is a Ractopamine-Free Infographic Flyer (referred to below).  Feel free to send the message out to clientele (youth, parents, advisors, SFB members, etc).

Best, Lizz

The Ohio State University
Elizabeth Share, MS
Extension Specialist, 4-H/Youth Development

Livestock and Food Animal Programs
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Ohio State University Extension
222 Animal Sciences Bldg, 2029 Fyffe Ct, Columbus, OH 43210
614-292-0589 Office


Recently, ractopamine-free swine production became a market specification through much of the U.S. pork packing industry. Although ractopamine (sold under the trade names Paylean® or Engain® for swine) is an approved product used to increase lean growth rate, it has been banned in many international pork markets. In short, ractopamine-free means that a pig has never been fed or exposed to ractopamine – from the time of birth to the time of market.

In response, the Ohio Pork Council, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Department of Agriculture, and Ohio State Fair have collaborated to put a comprehensive plan in place, which can be referenced in the attached documents.

Because ractopamine has been banned in international markets, swine exhibited at the 2020 Ohio State Fair are required to be ractopamine-free. To ensure that exhibitors follow this protocol, the Ohio State Fair will secure a signed affidavit from a parent or legal guardian at the time of entry which states that the pigs exhibited by their showman have never been offered ractopamine. A sample affidavit developed by The Ohio State University can be found here: https://ohiopork.org/ractopamine-free/.

County fair managers should work with their local packer to enact their plan for 2020.

At any exhibition level, youth swine projects reflect the entire swine industry’s commitment to the WeCare® principles that provide the basis for consumer trust in the way pigs are raised and the safety and wholesomeness of the pork they purchase.

All of these informational resources can be accessed online at https://ohiopork.org/ractopamine-free/. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Steven Moeller, Professor/Swine Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University at Moeller.29@osu.edu, or 614-565-6344. The Ohio Pork Council can also be contacted at pork@ohiopork.org, or 614-882-5887.


REQUIRED FOR 2025 Upload Your Market Hog Pictures in 4H Online4-H Online Photo Upload Instructions DUE JUNE 1, 2025. 

Reading the Universal Swine Ear Notching System

  • .The 4 pictures should look like. Hog ID Picture Examples  Remember it's both sides, front, and back shot in color. Make sure the pictures show both ears' notches.. 

  • Gallia County Junior Fair Breeding Show. Monday, July 28, 2025 - Check-In Time is ONE Hour Before Show Begins...

2020 Fair Updates

NEW! On-line Quality Assurance training- This option is for exhibitors age 12 and older by January 1, 2022. The on-line YQCA training session has been approved for Ohio 4-H and FFA members as a yearly option for QA training.

  • A New Option for Youth Livestock Education

    YQCA Certification Instructions

    Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development.

    YQCA certification is being accepted by many livestock shows and fairs that require youth quality assurance certification. View the list here, but always check the entry requirements of each show for complete details.

    YQCA includes information for youth showing the following food animals:

  • Pigs

  • Beef Cattle

  • Dairy Cattle

  • Sheep

  • Goats

  • Market Rabbits

  • Poultry

  • YQCA is available as an online program for youth everywhere in the United States. YQCA is also offered as an instructor-led training and as a test out certification.  Contact the entity requiring your YQCA certification to see which is available in your state, or contact info@yqca.org. Learn more about each type of training here.

    YQCA provides educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis.

2020 Ohio State Fair Pork Quality Assurance (PQA)

Requirement Youth entering a market swine project at the 2020 Ohio State Fair will be required to have a parent/guardian PQA certified in order to meet packer requirements.

OSF Market Swine requirements Flyer

  • PQA certification number will be required for online entry (deadline of June 20th) 

  • Certification numbers will be verified, falsified numbers will result in penalty.

  • Once notified of invalid number, exhibitors will have 5 days to provide the correct PQA certification number.

  • If the correct PQA certification number is not provided within 5 days, exhibitor will be disqualified from exhibition.

  • Youth MUST be certified in Ohio Youth QA 45 days prior to exhibition in order to be eligible to show.

There are several options for parents/guardians to be PQA certified:

• Adults can attend an in-person PQA session

• Adults can sign-up for the PQA on-line certification.

Requests can be sent to Elizabeth Share (share.8@osu.edu)


2. If a parent/guardian has several youth in the family, the same PQA number will count for all of the youth.

3. For a list of approved PQA instructors, contact: - Elizabeth Share Extension Specialist, Livestock/Food Animal Program share.8@osu.edu

New for 2020!!  Attention ALL Gallia County Junior Fair Market Beef Exhibitors 

2020 Livestock Rule Changes approved at the November Fair Board Meeting.  The following rule changes will be in effect for 2020:

Attention: Gallia County Beef Exhibitors

The Gallia County Fair Board has added a Market Heifer division to the Market Beef Show (previously only market steers). Exhibitors will be able to tag in a heifer calf at this year’s December 12 market beef tag in.

  • Exhibitors can check in, sign up for, and exhibit both a market steer and market heifer but will only be permitted to sell one animal at the fair.

  • Market Heifers will show in their own division, taking place prior to the first division of steers. The division will be placed and top placing market heifers from that division will return to the ring with the top placing steers of each division and be in contention for the Market Animal Supreme Drive.

  • These market heifers are to be of “terminal” type and kind. They should be fed out and finished like a steer and must weigh a minimum of 1000 lbs. at the Fair weigh-in (just like steers). “Clubby” bred heifers, or females that are bred to be more terminal, are becoming increasingly popular in market heifer shows nationwide. These shows provide an avenue for breeders and exhibitors that have heifers that are not so much bred to be productive cows, but rather, bred more for carcass quality. Heifers are typically more efficient in converting feed to condition and will be able to finish out with a lesser feed intake than that of the average steer. For individuals looking to have a market beef project while being able to be conservative in the amount spent on feed over the year, market heifers are a great option.


2019 Livestock Rule Changes approved at the November Fair Board Meeting.  The following rule changes will be in effect for 2019:

  • Market Swine Weight range will be 230 lbs. up to 290 lbs.

  • Market Steer minimum weight will increase to 1000 lbs.

  • Any animal not making the minimum weight will not be allowed to go to resale. These animals along with any animal deemed not fit for sale by a fair official, will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to remove the animal from the fair grounds.

Quality Assurance – March ??, 2024 at the Gallia County Fairgrounds from ? pm – ? pm. Please note: parents of first time exhibitors are encouraged to attend the training with the exhibitor. 

  • All Poultry, Miniature/Pet/Companion Goat and Rabbit exhibitors will need to attend or test out of QA. 

  • Members, if you plan to exhibit any market animals or any of the ones mentioned above to the 2024 Gallia County Jr. fair you will need to attend or test out of QA:

  • Regardless of age, junior fair exhibitors shall successfully complete the educational program not less than 45 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition in which they will participate.

  • The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) Advisory Committee on Livestock Exhibitions has recommended and voted on the following rule change for 2018.  It will go into effect in late January 2018 after going through the proper procedures for changes to the Ohio Revised Code.

  • Junior fair exhibitors ages 8 to 11 shall annually participate in a face-to-face education session that is taught by an authorized instructor.

  • Junior fair exhibitors ages 12 to 19 shall either annually complete an educational session or successfully complete the test-out option.

 Thus, QA training and certification must be completed not less than 45 days prior to the opening day of your county fair. 

  • Also, they need to know that this includes the Ohio State Fair, so if they plan to show at OSF and they have a later fair they will need to complete QA 45 days before the opening day of the Ohio State Fair, regardless of what day they show.

  • Please share this information with your county Ag. Societies, Jr. Fair coordinators, FFA advisors, other fair officials and your Jr. Fair families.

  • Any exhibitor 12-14 years old (As of Jan. 1st) may take the optional one year QA test out. While any exhibitor 15-18 years old, may take the permanent test out option. Testing is offered daily at the Gallia County Extension Office between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM. All tests must be completed by June1st! Failure to pass the test will result in attending QA training. So we encourage those who test to take it early before our QA training here in the county! Study packets are available and encouraged!

  • State Quality Assurance Test Study Guide

There will be an opportunity for 4-H & FFA members to take the TEST OUT option for QA at the Gallia County Extension Office on March ?, 2024. You may only try the test one time a year, failure to pass the test will result in attending QA training. Tests are 50 multiply choice questions worth 2 point each and you must score a 70% or above to pass. 
Quality Assurance Test Out and Training 

  • Any exhibitor 12-14 years old (As of Jan. 1st) may take the optional one year QA test out. While any exhibitor 15-18 years old, may take the permanent test out option.

  • If the above test out do not work, the training will follow at 5 pm SHARP at the Gallia County Extension Office.You Must RSVP.

  • All tests must be completed by JUNE 1st!

  • Failure to pass the test will result in attending QA training. Study packets are available at the Extension Office or at the following link Quality Assurance Study Guide and Veterinary Feed Directive Fact Sheet

 Ohio Livestock Tampering Exhibition Rules Changes are Highlighted in Yellow

The Ohio’s Livestock Tampering Exhibition Rules effective March 21, 2016 

• This document is also posted on the Ohio 4-H website animal sciences appropriate species-specific resources pages: http://www.ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/animal-sciences/

ATTENTION 4-H MEMBERS TAKING FOOD-PRODUCING ANIMAL PROJECTS, even if they are not intended for food production! New for 2017!

  • On JANUARY 1, 2017, the VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVE (VFD) must be implemented, as a result of regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) addressing on-farm antibiotic use in food-animal production. This affects everyone (including 4-H members as youth producers) keeping, owning, and/or raising food-producing animals, even if they are not intended for food production (i.e. exhibition poultry). It is very important that 4-H members and their families establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) prior to January 1, 2017.

  • We have written a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Fact Sheet for 4-H Youth Livestock Producers and Families that should answer your questions about the VFD, as well as establishing a VCPR.

  • Thank you to the following individuals who have provided input to make this fact sheet educational and user friendly: Jack Advent, Executive Director, Ohio Veterinary Medical Association; Mark Armfelt, DVM, Diplomat ABVP Dairy, Dairy Technical Advisor, Elanco Dairy Business; Leah Dorman, DVM, Director, Food Integrity & Consumer Engagement, Phibro Animal Health Corporation; Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Department of Agriculture; Diane R. McDaniel, State Liaison, Food and Drug Administration.

  • This VFD fact sheet can be found at www.go.osu.edu/livestock, on the Livestock Resources page of the Ohio 4-H website. It is also posted on the Dairy, Goat, and Poultry resource pages.