
  1. Are you Joining 4H? Deadline is March 15th

    Feb. 15, 2019

    Gallia County 4-H has over 45 clubs to choose from.  These clubs are located around the county and include traditional community clubs as well as specialty clubs. Specialty clubs include: horse clubs, dog club, afterschool and shooting sports. The key to success in 4-H is finding the right club that fits your child’s interest and family’s’ needs! The Gallia County Extension office is here to help you find that perfect fit! The Gallia County 4H Enrollment Deadline is March 15th of the current year. Early Registration for a Club Bonus is March 1st.
  2. Farm Estate Planning Seminar

    Jan. 11, 2019

    What is the future of your farm? 
    Have you planned... have you planned well enough?

  3. Private Fertilizer and Pesticide Recertification

    Jan. 04, 2019

    OSU Extension Office- Gallia County on January 28, 2019

    111 Jackson Pike, Gallipolis 45631 

  4. Scholarship & Achievement Award Deadlines

    Jan. 04, 2019

    January 31, 2019 is the DEADLINE State and County Achievement forms to be turned in!! February 15, 2019 is the State 4-H Scholarship Deadline. March 1, 2019 is the County 4-H Scholarship Deadline! 4-H Achievement Forms Ohio 4-H offers a variety of awards and opportunities at the state level
  5. 2019 Gallia County Junior Fair Livestock Rule Changes

    Nov. 20, 2018

    2019 Livestock Rule Changes approved at the November Fair Board Meeting.  The following rule changes will be in effect for 2019:

  6. Thanksgiving Day Observed

    Nov. 15, 2018

    The Office will be closed during Business Hours on November 22 and November 23, 2018 and will re-open Monday, November 26th at 8 am..

  7. The Gallia County Junior Fair Board is Organizing for the 2019 year

    Nov. 13, 2018

    Gallia County Junior Fair Youth Board Members are selected on a yearly basis.  Selections are based on past leadership experiences and good leadership qualities.

  8. Veteran's Day Observered

    Oct. 31, 2018

    The Office will be closed during Business Hours and will re-open for Beekeeping 101 and Cattlemen Committee Meeting.

  9. Beekeeping 101 Classes

    Oct. 03, 2018

    Everything you need to know to get started in Beekeeping. Chris Blank will be presenting the 101classes at the Gallia County Extension Office.

    The class will cost $20 per person and will include Class Materials in a notebook and refreshments for the night.

    There will be 4 total classes from 6pm-8pm on the following dates:

  10. SNAP-Ed (Nutrition Education) Full Time Program Assistant at OSU Extension, Gallia County

    Oct. 01, 2018

    For complete position description, qualifications and to apply online, please go to  Click Search Postings, and enter Job Opening 443132. 
