December 9, 2016 - 12:40pm --
ATTENTION 4-H MEMBERS TAKING FOOD-PRODUCING ANIMAL PROJECTS, even if they are not intended for food production! New for 2017!
  • On JANUARY 1, 2017, the VETERINARY FEED DIRECTIVE (VFD) must be implemented, as a result of regulations set forth by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) addressing on-farm antibiotic use in food-animal production. This affects everyone (including 4-H members as youth producers) keeping, owning, and/or raising food-producing animals, even if they are not intended for food production (i.e. exhibition poultry). It is very important that 4-H members and their families establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR) prior to January 1, 2017.
  • We have written a Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Fact Sheet for 4-H Youth Livestock Producers and Families that should answer your questions about the VFD, as well as establishing a VCPR.
  • Thank you to the following individuals who have provided input to make this fact sheet educational and user friendly: Jack Advent, Executive Director, Ohio Veterinary Medical Association; Mark Armfelt, DVM, Diplomat ABVP Dairy, Dairy Technical Advisor, Elanco Dairy Business; Leah Dorman, DVM, Director, Food Integrity & Consumer Engagement, Phibro Animal Health Corporation; Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Department of Agriculture; Diane R. McDaniel, State Liaison, Food and Drug Administration.
This VFD fact sheet can be found at, on the Livestock Resources page of the Ohio 4-H website. It is also posted on the Dairy, Goat, and Poultry resource pages.