January 4, 2019 - 11:49am -- green.84@osu.edu
  • January 31, 2019 is the DEADLINE State and County Achievement forms to be turned in!!
  • February 15, 2019 is the State 4-H Scholarship Deadline.
  • March 1, 2019 is the County 4-H Scholarship Deadline!

    4-H Achievement Forms

    Ohio 4-H offers a variety of awards and opportunities at the state level

    The links below contain information which will be helpful to 4-H members, parents, volunteer leaders and County Extension Educators. The forms must be signed by the Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development before they are submitted. Please contact your county OSU Extension Office for deadlines.

    Ohio 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Chart Updated (11/2018)

    Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards

    2019 Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Application (Word)
    2018: Ohio 4-H Achievement Record State Workshop (Flyer)

    *Note: a recording for the informational workshop session held on September 15th, 2018 is currently available. Please email Frances Nicol at nicol.115@osu.eduto request access to the recordings

    National 4-H Dairy Conference  
         Dairy Conference Participant Handbook
    Ohio Township Association 4-H Local Government Award
    Ohio State Junior Fair Board

    Instructions & Details For Completing State 4-H Achievement Award Applications

    2019 Eligibility Requirements & State 4-H Achievement Criteria
    Creating a Winning Achievement Record
    Photo Page Helpful Hints
    My 4-H Record Book
    Sample Action Verbs
    Achievement Record Section Suggestions

    Ohio 4-H Awards and Scholarships Recipients

    2018 Achievement Award Recipients
    2018 Ohio 4-H Scholarship Recipients

    For questions and additional information contact Allen Auck

    Ohio 4-H State Scholarships

    Ohio 4-H recognizes and rewards individual excellence, whether it is in project work, leadership, citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. There are currently 36 statewide 4-H scholarships being offered. In addition to these scholarships, individual counties may also offer county-based scholarships. Please check with your County Extension Office for a listing of county scholarships. 

    Criteria, Instructions, and Application

    In addition to personal information, before beginning this 4-H Scholarship Application please make sure you have the following items available.

  • Academic honors you have received
  • If you are or will be an Ohio State student, your OSU username.# and ID# can be found on your receipt of admission application email
  • Information about your current or anticipated college or university (name, city, state)
  • Intended academic major
  • Detailed information about your major 4-H leadership roles; you should know the names of the roles, the years, level(s), duties and accomplishments
  • Detailed information about major 4-H honors that you have recieved
  • Information about your educational, carrer, or personal goals and what impact 4-H has had on those ambitions
  • Personal statement explaining why a 4-H scholarship would be important to you achieving a college education AND how 4-H has contributed to your personal development, leadership and other skills and to your likely success in life
  • College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences scholarship information and online application

    College of Education and Human Ecology scholarship application information 

    Brief Descriptions of Ohio 4-H Scholarships Available

    For questions and additional information contact Allen Auck

    Ways to Track Your 4H Career

    My 4H Career Record Book Word PDF (14 Page Format)

    4H Youth Development Activity Record Word PDF(1 Page Format)

    Simple Action Verbs used for Scholarship Applications

    Creating a Winning Achievement Record Resourse

    Gallia County Scholarships

    Gallia County currently offers the following scholarships: The Vic and Mary Walker Niday Scholarship, The Ohio Valley Bank Scholarship, The Gallia County Ag. Center Scholarships, The Gallia County Ag. Society Scholarship, The Wiseman Roach Family Scholarships, The Eastman Family Scholarship, The Lynn Angel Scholarship, the 4-H Advisors Scholarship, The Gallia County CARTEEN scholarship, and the Gallia County Horse Committee Scholarship. Scholarships are open to any Gallia County 4-H member who is a senior and who has been active in 4-H for at least 4 years, including the last two years.  Scholarships range from $500 to $4,000. 

  • Gallia County 4H Scholarship Application in Word or PDF ...Deadline March 1, 2019 at 4:30 pm. 

  • Vendor Setup Form ...REQUIRED to complete application for Gallia County 4H Scholarships. Please fill out PAGE #2 for An Individual. Your Title by your Signature is Student.

  • Complete this application for ALL Gallia County Scholarships as well as a Completed Vendor Setup Form.

    The deadline for these county scholarships is March 1st at 4:30PM.  No late forms will be accepted.

    The 2019 Ohio State Fair Scholarship Application 

    The applicant must be a high school junior or senior, or a graduate continuing their education at an accredited institution.They must reside in the State of Ohio, and must have been an active participant in the Ohio State Fair Junior Division and their local County Fair. Applicant must be eligible to be a participant in Junior Fair (not older than 19 years as of January 1, 2018) and still be eligible to show at their County Fair and the Ohio State Fair. All questions on the application form must be answered to be considered for an award. High school and/or collegetranscript must be attached, along with copies of ACT and/orSAT scores. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. Please mail completed applications, along with a photo to Ohio State Fair Scholarship Committee, Agriculture Department,717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211. Completed applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2019. Applications will be judged on the following basis:

    Scholastic Standing 25%,Citizenship and Leadership 25%,Ohio State Fair Participation 30%,County Fair Participation 20%