What do your children or grandchildren want to be when they grow up? Could it be a scientist, doctor, or engineer? What about a farmer or video game designer? Maybe they want to work with animals? Or would they rather play with computers? Attending STEM Camp might help them decide. And, they’ll have fun along the way!
What's STEM? It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. But, this camp won't feel the least bit like school. Campers will select a STEM area to explore in-depth. Choices include Aeronautics, Robotics, Environmental Science, Animal Science, Forensic Science, or Engineering. Campers will enjoy many hands-on activities and learn about careers in the field. The campers will also be taking a field trip to Bellisio Foods in Jackson; this will provide a hands-on experience to discover the Science behind creating food products for resale. In addition, this year’s camp will once again feature a visit from OSU’s Dr. Bob (a science guy) and other special programs.
Boys and girls currently in 5th through 7th grades from an eleven-county region in southern Ohio are invited to attend STEM Camp at Canter's Cave this summer. This region includes Adams, Brown, Gallia, Jackson, Highland, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton counties. The camp is being planned and implemented by OSU Extension professionals from several of these counties. Both 4-H and non-4-H youth are invited to attend.
Camp registration is at 2pm on Monday, June 4, and end with dismissal at 11:30am on Wednesday, June 6. It will be held at the Elizabeth L. Evans Outdoor Education Center/Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio. The camp is an ideal setting for such a program, offering an abundance of natural resources and traditional camp activities. During the three-day, two night camp, campers will experience special workshops focused on STEM and some traditional camp activities with a STEM twist.
The registration fee to participate is only $80 per camper. Thanks to a generous donation from Fluor BWXT LLC, we are able to offer sixteen scholarships of $60 to Scioto County youth. This makes the registration fee only $20 per Scioto County camper! Only the first 90 registrants will be accepted, and all registrations are due by May 1. Registered youth will receive additional information and forms through mail or email (if you prefer) which will need to be completed and
An event brochure/registration is available on the web at go.osu.edu/stemcamp2018. For more information, contact your County Educator or Josi Brodt-Evans, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, OSU Extension Scioto County via phone at 740-354-7879 or email at brodt-evans.1@osu.edu.
STEM Camp is sponsored in part by a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation and OSU Extension in Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Meigs, Pike, Ross, Scioto, and Vinton counties. Camp is open to all youth completing 5th through 7th grades this spring, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability. Youth do not have to be currently enrolled in the county’s 4-H program to participate in STEM Camp.