January 11, 2017 - 9:02am -- green.84@osu.edu

The Ohio State University Extension Beef Team would like to invite anyone with an interest in beef production to attend the upcoming 2017 Ohio Beef Cattle School.  

  • This educational series will begin on Tuesday, January 17 and continue on February 7 and February 28, 2017 and will start each evening at 7:00 p.m.  
  • These sessions will follow a similar format used in the past as each session will be broadcast locally via an internet link.
  • The programs will focus on the three primary production sectors of the beef industry in Ohio: cow-calf, backgrounding/stocker, and feedlot.  
  • The primary mission of this program is to demonstrate how the relationships between these three sectors must work together to produce high quality beef for today’s consumer.
  • 2017 Ohio Beef Cattle School Flyer

2017 Ohio Beef Cattle School programs will focus on the three primary production sectors of the beef industry in Ohio: cow-calf, backgrounding/stocker, and feedlot.  The primary mission of this program is to demonstrate how the relationships between these three sectors must work together to produce high quality beef for today’s consumer. Please check out the OSU Extension Beef Team Resources website for more upcoming Programs and News.