Gallia County Teen Leaders - The 2018 Gallia County Teen Leaders will be accepting New Members until November 17, 2017.
- What is the Teen Leader's Club you ask? This is a select group of teens ages 14 -18 (by January 1 of the current year), who meet throughout the year at the Gallia County Extension office to plan and implement county 4-H events!
- As a member you will have access to first hand information regarding 4-H scholarships, camp counseling information, opportunities to build your leader ship skills, like teaching at quality assurance, assisting with fair activities, helping with school enrichment and after school 4-H promo tions and more!
- Anyone interested in joining Teen Leaders should complete the form and return it to the Extension office to receive more information and keep up with updates.
- Gallia County Teen Leaders 2018 Opportunities form
- 2017-2018 Teen Leader Dates