October 3, 2018 - 11:16am -- green.84@osu.edu

Everything you need to know to get started in Beekeeping. Chris Blank will be presenting the 101classes at the Gallia County Extension Office.

The class will cost $20 per person and will include Class Materials in a notebook and refreshments for the night.

There will be 4 total classes from 6pm-8pm on the following dates:

  • October 22- History of Beekeeping, Bee Biology, Seasonal  Cycles
  • October 29 - Beekeeping Equipment and Beekeeping Pests
  • November 5 - Beekeeping Diseases and Hive Basics
  • November 12 - Basic Beekeeping and Hive Management
  • Beekeeing 101 Registration

Name:        ---------------------------------------  Email:---------------------------------------

Mailing ________________     Address:-----------------------------------City:                                                  State:                       Zip:                           County:                                                    

Number of participates attending?                                                               X $20 = Total Enclosed:                                                                                    _

Please mail or drop off at the Gallia County Extension Office, 111 Jackson Pike Suite 1572 Gallipolis, Ohio 45631 by October 19, 2018

Please make checks payable to OSU Extension Gallia County.                   Questions? 740-446-7007