4-H Achievement Forms
Ohio 4-H offers a variety of awards and opportunities at the state level
The links below contain information which will be helpful to 4-H members, parents, volunteer leaders and County Extension Educators. The forms must be signed by the Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development before they are submitted. Please contact your county OSU Extension Office for deadlines.
Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Overview
Ohio 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Chart Updated (10/2019)
Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards
2021 Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Application (Word) (PDF) Due Janruary 29, 2021.
2020: Ohio 4-H Achievement Record State Workshop (Flyer)
*Note: We will be recording the informational workshop session on October 7, 2020. Please email Sarah Longo at longo.79@osu.edu to request access to the recording.
National 4-H Dairy Conference
Ohio Township Association 4-H Local Government Award
Ohio State Junior Fair Board
Instructions & Details For Completing State 4-H Achievement Award Applications
2021 Eligibility Requirements & State 4-H Achievement Criteria
Creating a Winning Achievement Record
Photo Page Helpful Hints
My 4-H Record Book
Sample Action Verbs
Achievement Record Section Suggestions
Ohio 4-H Awards and Scholarships Recipients
2020 Achievement Award Recipients
2020 Ohio 4-H Scholarship Recipients
Ohio State Fair Scholarships
For information and the application for scholarships given by the Ohio State Fair, go to ohiostatefair.com/scholarships/