The Gallia County Bee Association is ready to roll out their Youth Hive Program!
See the Youth Hive Scholarship Application in this LINK.
· To support and encourage young beekeepers by providing experienced practical support and reducing the expenses required to get started in beekeeping.
· To educate youth in the art of beekeeping and to promote a better understanding of the value of honeybees to our environment.
· To provide an opportunity for youth to experience responsibility and enjoyment through beekeeping.
· To gain visibility to a new and vital audience and increase positive community involvement of the next generation of beekeepers.
· Be between that ages of 12 and 18 by January 1st.
· Be a resident of Gallia County
· Be enrolled in public, private, or home school and be in grades 7 through 12.
· Have permission and agreement from parent or guardian.
· Be actively involved with 4-H and the beekeeping project.
Selection Criteria
· Completed applications are due by February 29th, 2020
o Applications can be submitted in person to club officers or electronically to
· The committee will be selected by the club. The selection committee will carefully consider each candidate and select finalists. The finalists will be selected by the committee by the March meeting.
· One applicant will be selected in 2020.
• The recipient is expected to attend all GCBA meetings. A brief 3-5 minute presentation on the status of their hive will be made.
· The recipients is expected to remain in contact with their club provided mentor.
· The youth is expected to provide their own suit, veil, gloves, hive tool, smoker and any other necessary beekeeping equipment. GCBA can help with finding discounts or used equipment to help reduce costs.
· Participate in 4-H and the Beekeeping Project at the Gallia County Junior Fair.
The selected Hive Donation recipients will receive:
· A One-year family membership in the Gallia County Beekeepers Association
· Woodware for one complete hive.
o 1 bottom board
o 3 Eight frame medium boxes
o 24 frames
o 1 inner cover
o 1 outer cover
o 1 shim
· 1 nucleus hive, including bees, brood, pollen and honey
Questions or comments about the program can be directed to Chris Blank at Thank you for your interest in beekeeping and we look forward to reviewing your application.