Unfortunately, with COVID-19, the tough decision was made to cancel this year’s 25th Annual Scholarship Banquet Dinner. However, we wanted to find a way to recognize our 2020 4-H Scholarship Winners! At the 2020 Gallia County Fair, we plan to Display a booth with all the scholarship winner in the 4-H Activity Building during the fair!
Special Thanks to all our 2020 scholarship Donors! Without your continued support and contributions this program would not be possible!
2020 Scholarship Winners Photo Album
Our Local 4-H Scholarship Donors:
Vic and Mary Walker Niday Scholarship
Established in 2004 the Vic and Mary Walker Niday 4-H Scholarship is a $1000 four-year award. Vic and Mary Niday sponsor this scholarship along with their daughter Cynthia “Melane” Niday Menzer. Melane was one of the first OVB scholarship winners in 1986. Vic and Mary started this scholarship because they believed like OVB in the value of education and the idea of paying it forward. Melane sponsors her part of this scholarship as a token of her gratitude at winning the OVB scholarship and she is pleased that she can help others go to college, just as OVB once helped her.
The 2020 Vic and Mary Walker Niday winner is Isabella Bonzo – She is the daughter of Philip and Jennifer Bonzo. Bella is a member of the Saddles-N-Spurs 4-H Club and a member of the Gallipolis FFA Chapter. Her 4-H projects include a vast variety of Equine disciplines, Food & Nutrition, Vet Science, Leadership, Market and Breeding Lambs, and Gun Safety Projects. Bella has qualified and represented Gallia County at the Ohio State Fair with her horse projects for last 7 years! She not only represented at the Ohio State Fair, she brought home many awards over the years with the top honor of earning the Bronze Award for competing in the Elite 8 completion in the State. She demonstrates strong leadership skills by mentoring younger 4-H members and volunteers in the community. Bella has also been active in her club over the years by holding many offices such as Club President, Vice President, Secretary and Safety Officer. Equine is also her strong suit in the Gallipolis FFA Chapter as she has been on the judging team for 5 years and even won the Equine Proficiency Award all while earning her State Degree. Bella planned to attend Marshall University and obtaining a degree in the medical field in hopes of becoming a nurse anesthetist or working in laboratory research.
Congratulations Bella Bonzo!
The Ohio Valley Bank Scholarship
Established in 1986 the Ohio Valley Bank Scholarship has the distinction of being our first and longest running 4-H scholarship. This scholarship is a four-year scholarship of $750 per year. All current and past OVB scholarship winners are also recognized during the Gallia County fair, where they will receive their checks.
The 2020 Gallia County Ohio Valley Bank scholarship winner is Olivia Harrison - She is the daughter of Trent and Leda Harrison. Olivia is a member of the Early Birds 4-H Club and a member of the South Gallia FFA Chapter. Her 4-H projects include Health and Safety, Clothing, Photography and Creative Arts, Sports Nutrition, Animal Sciences, Genealogy, Food and Nutrition, and Self-Determined. Olivia not only competes on the local level, but has represented Gallia County on the state level 7 times. She has taken great pride in her projects at the state level bring home six “Outstanding of the Day” Rosettes and a 1st Place Overall Clock Trophy in the State for “First Aid in Action”. Olivia has also used her 4-H projects to bring good to our community by donating items made from the projects, supplying first aid items, and setting up at community events handing out information on her topic. She is no stranger to taking on responsibilities as she has held the offices of Vice President and New Reporter for her 4-H club as well as the President of SG National Honor Society, Vice President of SG National Beta Club, SG FCCLA Treasurer, SG Student Council President, and SG FFA President. Olivia has plans this fall to attend Marshall University and major in nursing in hopes of becoming a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Congratulations Olivia!
Gallia County Agricultural Society Scholarship
The Gallia County Agricultural Society – we know them better as The Gallia County Senior Fair Board. This scholarship was established in 2003. This scholarship is a $500 4-year scholarship with a total value of $2,000.
This year’s winner is Peri Martin – She is the daughter of Rick and Leanna Martin. Peri is a member of the Triangle 4-H Club. Her 4-H projects include Market Swine, Cake Decorating, Food and Nutrition projects. She has been an active member on the Gallia County Jr. Youth board for five years helping with Quality Assurance, Clinics, weigh-ins, and helping announce the Rabbit and Poultry shows at the county fair. Peri has been her club’s Recreational Officer planning fun games for members, and the club’s Health and Safety Officer by offering healthy snack options at meetings. She is not only busy volunteering at afterschool for Green Elementary, Peri is also a College Credit Plus Student at the University of Rio Grande where she found her passion for science. Peri plans to attend West Virginia State University to study and pursue a career in Civil Engineering this fall.
Congratulations Peri!
Wiseman, Roach, Waugh Families Scholarship
Each year the Wiseman, Roach, Waugh families gives out two scholarships! This Scholarship was established in 2000 and was expanded in 2011 into a four-year $500 scholarship.
Our first Wiseman, Roach, Waugh Scholarship winner is Nathaniel Moore – He is the son of Craig and Michelle Moore. Nathan is a member of the Gallia Shooting Aces, Gallia County CARTEENs, and a member of the Symmes Valley FFA Chapter. His 4-H projects include a various range of Shooting Sports (Rifle-Shotgun-Pistol-Archery), Beekeeping, Vet Science, Conservation, and Market Swine projects. Nathan has also been a State Fair Qualifier for each conservation project and Shooting Sports discipline. Nathan has a true talent for being a leader, he’s a two year camp counselor for 4-H camp and Shooting Sports Camp, a four year Junior Fair youth board member, a Junior Leader for Muzzleloader, Western Heritage, Shotgun, Pistol, and Rifle, and a four CARTEENs facilitator. Nathan even won the 2019 Teen Leadership Award for the most hours volunteered in the name of 4-H. He has even led a program, “The Buzz on Bees” for our Cloverbud Investigators this past fall. He has held multiple offices in his 4-H Club such as President, Vice President, Secretary, and the Health and Safety Officer, while in his FFA Chapter he has serviced as the President, Secretary and Reporter. Nathan plans to attend Ashland Career and Technical College this fall to study to become an Industrial Electrician.
Congratulations Nathan!
Our second Wiseman, Roach, Waugh Scholarship winner is Colton Caldwell –He is the son of Chip and Deborah Caldwell. Colton is a member of the Country Roads 4-H Club and a member of the Gallipolis FFA Chapter. His 4-H projects consist of Breeding Swine, Market Swine, and Horse projects. Colton has participated in swine showmanship each year and takes pride in placing each time. He has serviced as his 4-H club’s President, Vice President, Secretary, and Health and Safety Officer. Colton is also active in his FFA Chapter with livestock and soil judging. He has earned his State FFA Degree and was the top fruit salesperson in 2019 for his chapter. During this fall, Colton plans to attend Marshall University or Ohio University to major in physical therapy in hopes of becoming a Physical Therapist.
Congratulations Colton!
Brent and Teresa Eastman Family Scholarship
Brent and Teresa Eastman Family Scholarship- This scholarship was established in 2011. This scholarship is a $500 four-year scholarship for a total value of $2,000.
Our 2020 Brent and Teresa Eastman Family Scholarship winner is Abby VanSickle – She is the daughter of Dale and Danella Newberry. Abby is a member of the Triangle and K-9 4-H Clubs. Her 4-H projects are a collection of Food and Nutrition projects, Vet Science, Clothing, Market Swine, Cat and Dog Care projects. She has represented Gallia County at the State fair in both swine and in general projects. Abby has been an active member on the Gallia County Jr. Youth board for five years helping with fundraising efforts, weigh-ins, and helping with the breeding show held before the start of the county fair. She takes on a positive role in her club as she has held the offices of club Treasurer, New Reporter, and Recreational Leader. Abby has been a Cloverbud Investigators Mentor, helping with county wide Cloverbud Activities. This coming fall, Abby plans to attend the University of Rio Grande, majoring in Education. Abby’s career goal is to pursue a career in Intervention Education.
Congratulations Abby!
Gallia County Agriculture Center Scholarship
Gallia County Agriculture Center 4-H Scholarship-Established in 2000 this scholarship is a $500 4-year scholarships. The scholarship is sponsored by the Ag. Center Board of Directors and is awarded to high school seniors who have been active in 4-H or FFA in Gallia County.
The first Gallia County Ag. Center Scholarship winner is Edward Justin Butler – He is the son of Edward Jason and Bryna Butler. Justin is a member of the Hayseeds 4-H Club and a member of the South Gallia FFA Chapter. His 4-H projects have included Market Steers, Market and Breeding Goats, Market and Breeding Lambs, Hay, and Field Crops. Justin takes great pride in his livestock knowledge as he has competed in the county Skill-a-ton each year of his 4-H career and earned his way to the Master Exhibitor Contest for the last seven years while winning the Overall contest in 2016. He has also participated in the Sheep Skill-a-ton at the State level bring home a placing ribbon each year of competing. You could say 4-H Camp is in Justin’s blood as he has attended camp each year in 4-H and stepped up as a counselor. Justin is a wonderful role model as he has been a Camp Counselor for the last three years counseling Cloverbud Day camps, Beginner and Jr. High Camps. His leadership does not stop there, he has held the offices of President, Secretary, and Treasurer for his 4-H Club and for his FFA Chapter he has been the Secretary, Treasurer, Sentinel and Student Advisor. This fall, Justin plans to attend The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute to study Pre-Veterinary Medicine. He has hopes of pursuing a career as a Veterinarian and bring his newly gained skills back to Southern Ohio.
Congratulations Justin!
The second Gallia County Ag. Center Scholarship winner is Grace Montgomery –She is the daughter of Seth and Candace Montgomery. Grace is a member of the Triangle 4-H Club and a member of the Gallipolis FFA Chapter. Her 4-H projects include Food and Nutrition, Gardening, Photography, Feeder Calves, Beef Breeding, Market Hogs and Lambs. She has put her showmanship skills to the test as she has placed very well each year in showmanship with each of her species. Grace has held the office of New Reporter for her club where she took notes and pictures of the club meeting and reported to the local newspaper. Within her FFA Chapter, Grace has earned her State FFA Degree and working on her National Degree. Grace is most proud of her results in FFA Soil judging as she placed 1st at the county contest and her team earned a spot to advance to the National Level this summer. She has already jump started her college career by taking part in the College Credit Plus program by attending the University of Rio Grande for the last two years and plans to attend Cedarville University this fall. Grace plans to pursue a degree in nursing in hopes of returning home to give back to her community with her newly learned job skills.
Congratulations Grace!
Lynn Angell Scholarship
The Lynn Angell scholarship was established in 2004. This scholarship is sponsored by Lynn Angell of Lynn Angell Accounting and is a one-year $500 scholarship. Lynn’s scholarship recognizes the hard work of a Gallia County 4-H teen and the importance of a college education. Lynn’s scholarship gives priority to students attending OSU or who are active in FFA as well as 4-H.
The 2020 Lynn Angell scholarship winner is Grace Montgomery. We have already shared Grace’s Bio but wanted to be sure to recognize Lynn for her donation each year!
Grace Montgomery – is the daughter of Seth and Candace Montgomery. Grace is a member of the Triangle 4-H Club and a member of the Gallipolis FFA Chapter. Her 4-H projects include Food and Nutrition, Gardening, Photography, Feeder Calves, Beef Breeding, Market Hogs and Lambs. She has put her showmanship skills to the test as she has placed very well each year in showmanship with each of her species. Grace has held the office of New Reporter for her club where she took notes and pictures of the club meeting and reported to the local newspaper. Within her FFA Chapter, Grace has earned her State FFA Degree and working on her National Degree. Grace is most proud of her results in FFA Soil judging as she placed 1st at the county contest and her team earned a spot to advance to the National Level this summer. She has already jump started her college career by taking part in the College Credit Plus program by attending the University of Rio Grande for the last two years and plans to attend Cedarville University this fall. Grace plans to pursue a degree in nursing in hopes of returning home to give back to her community with her newly learned job skills.
Gallia County 4-H Advisors Association Scholarship
Gallia County 4-H Advisors Association Scholarship – Established in 1988 this scholarship is sponsored by the 4-H Advisors Association. This scholarship is our second oldest scholarship and is a one-year $500 scholarship.
The 4-H Advisor Association Scholarship winner is Calista Barnes-Pierotti – She is the daughter of John Pierotti and Stacey Barnes. She is a member of the New Horizon 4-H Club. Her 4-H projects consist of woodworking I-IV, Safe Use of Guns, Health, Clothing and Quilting. Calista shows great pride in her projects as she has represented Gallia County with her 4-H projects six times at the Ohio State Fair. She has severed as her 4-H Club’s President and Secretary Officers and even helped build a bench for the Activities Building. She not only stays busy volunteering at a hospital but with gymnastics, afterschool, and a Night to Shine, she is also a College Credit Plus Student attending Ohio University. Calista is currently undecided in her college choice but is going to purse a degree in Pre-Med or Biochemistry in hopes of becoming an Anesthesiologist.
Congratulations Calista!
Gallia County 4-H Horse Committee Scholarship
Bella Bonzo is also the 2020 Gallia County 4-H Horse Committee Scholarship winner. This scholarship was established in 2000 and sponsored by the Gallia County 4-H Horse committee. The scholarship goes to an outstanding 4-H member who has shown Equine projects for at least four years including the last two. This scholarship is a one-year $500 scholarship.
Congratulations Bella Bonzo!
Gallia County CARTEENs Scholarship
Nathan was also the Gallia County CARTEENs Scholarship winner. The Gallia County CARTEEN program is a peer lead driver’s safety program for teens, which is a partnership with the Gallia County Juvenile Court and the Gallia County Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol. The CARTEEN program itself started in 2005 and through funds collected from the program fees, a $500 CARTEEN Scholarship was started in 2013. Since that time, the teens have given out ten $500 scholarships to their senior presenters and Nathan we will be number eleven!
Congratulations Nathan!