Gallia County Quality Assurance Testing

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Gallia County Extension Office
  • There will be an opportunity for 4-H & FFA members to take the TEST OUT option for QA at the Gallia County Extension Office on May 24th at 6pm with a fall back option training directly after the testing at 6:30pm if a member would fail the test. You may only try the test one time a year, failure to pass the test will result in attending QA training. Tests are 50 multiply choice questions worth 2 point each and you must score a 70% or above to pass. 
  • Any exhibitor 12-14 years old (As of Jan. 1st) may take the optional one year QA test out. While any exhibitor 15-18 years old, may take the permanent test out option.
  • If the above testing dates do not work, the test is offered daily by appointment at the Gallia County Extension Office between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM.
  • All tests must be completed by JUNE 1st!
  • Failure to pass the test will result in attending QA training. Study packets ( are available at the Extension Office or at the following link and strongly encouraged!