Jan 27, 2015 Topics
- Capitlaizing on the Historic Beef Ecomony - John Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator
- The Future of Antibiotic Use in Beef Cattle - Troy a Brick DVM
Feb 10, 2015 Topics
- Sustainable Beef Production - Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, National Cattlemen Beef Assoication
- Manure Management and Fertilizer Applicaiton Issues for Beef Producers- Kevin Elder ODA
Feb 24, 2015 Topics
- Beef Animal and Facility Design - Dr Monique Pairis-Garcia & Dr Steve Broyles, OSU Dept of Animal Sciences
- Forage Evaluation and Making Quality Dry Hay, Bailage, and Silage- Dr Bill Weiss, OSU Dept of Animal Sciences
If planning to attend, please RSVP at 740.446.7007 or moore.3036@osu.edu.